Darragh Gibbs

My Guarantee To You
You Will Be In The Best Shape Of Your Life & You Won’t Recognise Yourself

The 3 Pillars Of Success Within The
DG Academy

Client Reviews

Client Testimonials

"I am smiling more, I am feeling good in myself and I have so much more energy."


"Darragh has provided great support throughout my time here and has always went above and beyond to help me out."


"I have over come so much, I’ve grown as a person and made some serious lifestyle changes."


"I'm Feeling The Most Confident I Have Ever In My Life And I Feel Like I'm A Real Role Model For My Daughter."

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January 23, 2023

3 Hard Truths When It Comes To Fat Loss

Are you ready to be offended? Here’s 3 hard truths about fat loss you need to know...
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January 16, 2023

The Ultimate Guide To Calculating Your Calories

Figuring out how many calories you should be consuming on a daily basis can get confusing...
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January 2, 2023

3 Habits To Start Doing in 2023

Habits (systems) is what separates people from achieving their goals.The overweight person wants...
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About Me

My name is Darragh Gibbs, and I am the proud owner of The DG Academy. My journey is unique—I began my career as a football (soccer) coach, earning my UEFA B coaching license in college alongside my bachelor's degree.

For 13 years, I've coached teams, groups, and individuals. Five years ago, I left a job in investment banking to fully commit to my passion for coaching. My experience spans coaching thousands in football, accumulating over 5,000 hours as a personal trainer, and now guiding professionals in the corporate and business world.

I understand the challenges of neglecting health and feeling unfulfilled. When clients invest in me, I take that responsibility seriously. I’ve dedicated the past 18 months to working with executives and business owners, helping them become healthier, better leaders for their families and workplaces.

My coaching method, KISS - Keep It Simple Sexy, focuses on making you "Fit For Life," not just for a holiday. I aim to teach my clients to be fit, strong, healthy, and confident, ultimately empowering them to manage their health independently. Investing in my coaching will be one of the best decisions of your life.

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The Big Gibbon Podcast

One common trait I have found is people don't believe in themselves and unfortunately place limits on their life. I coach people to break down their limiting beliefs and I want to do the same with this Podcast.

This Podcast is to get you thinking differently about life and more importantly yourself. I will be interviewing amazing guests on a multitude of topics and I won't be holding back.

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